04 Mar Bloom Where You Are Planted
Grades K-7 may have an adult help them to fill out the application form. Grades 8-12 should complete the application themselves. Funds will be paid directly to the organization for the students who receive the grant. First round applications due: April 15, 2020. The next grant cycle will end August 15, and the final one of the year will end on December 15.
Click Here for Bloom Where You Are Planted Grant Application
Karl T. Bloom
October 13, 1955 – February 2, 2020
On February 2, Karl Bloom closed his eyes for the last time to the wonders of this earth and opened them to all the glories of Heaven. He left this world surrounded and supported by the love of his family, who were blessed to care for his needs and allow him to remain at home until the end of his journey. He was welcomed home to Heaven by his parents, Jim and Nancy Bloom, and sister, Debbie. He left behind his wife of 37 years, Theresa; son, Thomas (Beth) and grandsons, Samwise and Maximus; daughters, Katie Bloom Ramirez (Brian) and grandchildren, Zane and Zoe Ramirez; Lissie Bloom and fiance, Sean Winslow; Laura Bloom; siblings, Nan (Dan) St. Paul, Becky Comer, Joel (Tonya) Bloom; sister from another mister, Sara Dreiling; foster son, Noah (Elena) Frazier, and many, many wonderful friends who are family. So many of the children’s friends, former Scouts, band members and Theresa’s HOSA students considered him to be a second father, their “Papa Bloom.”
Karl was diagnosed with a brain tumor in June of 2017, and despite a diagnosis of a Glioblastoma, he outlived his prognosis of six to ten months, spending over 31 months LIVING life fully, considering the cancer to be just an inconvenience. Karl was a man of deep faith and a great sense of humor. He worshiped at two different churches and believed part of his purpose was to build a bridge of understanding between two faith communities. “Faith is God’s gift to us, religion is our way of saying ‘thank you’.”
Karl earned his Industrial Engineering Degree from Cal Poly, SLO and worked in manufacturing and mining ventilation. He “retired” from Howden International, and leaves behind many friends and good memories from his work. Karl was very committed to his work life, but he felt his greatest accomplishments was in the work he did volunteering as a Scoutmaster, as a leader for Scouting Religious Medals, Band Parent, Volunteer for Girl Scouting and Girls of Colorado, his Honorary Membership as HOSA Dad and as a mentor and wise counsel for his children and so many of his children’s friends.
A combined Catholic/Vineyard celebration of his life will be held on Saturday, February 8, 10:00 a.m. at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, H and 26 1/2 Rd. There will be a potluck luncheon following where we can share stories and memories. Karl wanted everyone to sing out, and to wear celebration colors. Although we are sad, he is Home and at peace!
In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting donations to one of two groups: the scholarship founded in Karl’s name to provide support for students participating in extracurricular activities or to Domus Pacis, which provides respite getaways for families on a cancer journey. To donate to the “Bloom Where You Are Planted Fund”, checks can be made to School Dist. 51 Foundation, with the fund name in the memo line.