09 Nov 8th round of Bloom Where You Are Planted Grants now open!
The District 51 Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of the 8th Round of Bloom Where You Are Planted Grants. This grant fund was created by the family of Karl Bloom who passed away in February of 2020. Karl’s life was an example to so many people about how to give back to your community. He was a dedicated local volunteer in Scouting, HOSA, and a band parent. This grant provides K-12 students with financial need the support to allow them to pursue extracurricular activities.
Since the beginning of 2020, approximately $17,200 has been granted to 199 children. Students and parents apply for the grant via a portal at the D51 Foundation website. Typical grants range from $50-$200. The grant is open to children in grades K-12 in Mesa County. Some of the extracurricular grants funded in the past were to Fire FC Soccer Club, Girls on the Run, Outdoor Wilderness Lab, and Absolute Dance. The deadline for the grant is December 2, 2022.
This year in addition to promoting applicants to the grant, we are also seeking donations to continue to fund Bloom Where You Are Planted. “We are thankful to the Bloom Family for their dedication to help support extracurricular activities. We are at the point that we need to find more donors to keep this fund available since it will run out soon. So if it is on your heart to donate to help support extracurricular activities for children, reach out to the D51 Foundation. So many students don’t have the funds to participate in extracurricular activities, and this makes it a little easier. It has already made such a positive difference to students throughout Mesa County,” adds Angela Christensen, Ph.D., School District 51 Foundation Executive Director.